Testudo's Tips!
- Plan ahead. Don't postpone your abroad application until the last minute.
- Go where YOU want to go, don't just follow the crowd.
- Visit as many attractions and cities as you can abroad, it might be your only chance!

Studying abroad often times involves trekking halfway across
the world to embark on one of the
most surreal experiences any college student might get to do. Whether study abroad sophomore year or junior year, in fall or
spring semester, or choose from a typical study abroad program, a work abroad
program or a volunteer abroad program, there are things you need to know
beforehand and things to keep in mind while abroad. This chapter guides you through how to apply and discusses the many places you can go within the different types of programs so you'll make the most of your time abroad.
Globally Engaged Programs at UMD
NAFSA: Trends in U.S. Study Abroad