Chapter 2: Terp Majors

By Coryn Alvarez

Testudo's Tips!
  • Apply for your major early! If your major is in an LEP, make it easier on yourself and check the box on your application.
  • Experiment with general education classes; they could change your mind and your major.
  • It's not set in stone, switching your major can be the best decision you make.


Before you even come to campus, you have already been expected to make a major decision: choosing your major. While it can seem like a good idea to mark down as "Letters and Sciences," the undeclared major at the University of Maryland, sometimes that is not the case.

Getting started on your major from day one of your college career can make all the difference on completing your requirements on time in order to allow yourself other opportunities such as studying abroad or just graduating on time. However, if you're not happy with your major, feel free to switch.


Kate A. Johl from the Career Center describes how to choose a major.